Saturday, December 1, 2007

Rosemary is for Remembrance

It seems to me that the new form of communication in our family is blogging. So in order to stay well informed, I have decided to start my own blog. I doubt that I will be as prolific in this endeavor as some others in the family but I will be participating.

This afternoon Jeff and I went to the Annual Candlelight Memorial Service of the local chapter of The Compassionate Friends. This is a support group for families who have lost a child at any age or from any cause. The service was held in a local church and included a speaker, music, a video presentation of photos of our children and the opportunity for each family to light a candle in memory of their child. It helps to be able to spend the afternoon with others, talking about our childrens and honoring their memories. Afterward it seems a bit easier to go on with the holiday preparations.
Following the service there is a reception and everyone is asked to bring a finger food or dessert to share. This year instead of baking something, I decided to take rosemary sprigs. "Rosemary is for remembrance" so it seemed to be a good fit for a memorial service of this kind. The garden where I volunteer as a Master Gardener has a wonderful herb garden and I got permission to cut sprigs to take with us. Many people took rosemary home with them as they left the reception which made me feel good. It will last longer than a cookie or a ham sandwich!


-B said...

I didn't know that about Rosemary. That was a lovely thing to do.

I love the blog! I was just about to update my own!


Big Kahuna said...

You Blog on Baby ...
It's the thing to do and we need your Views from the Garden.